Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles Busy Book 닌자 거북이 비지북 피규어책
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles Busy Book닌자 거북이를 좋아하는 팬입니다.피규어가 들어있는 책이라서 구매했습니다.피규어가 굉장히 작습니다.너무 작아서 오히려 굉장히 귀여워요 ^^저는 피규어가 없었으면 이 책을 사지 않았을것 같아요.그런데, 그점이 이 책의 오히려 마이너스가 될 것 같아요.피규어가 너무 작다고 실망 하실 분은 이책을 구매하면 안되요.그렇다고 내용이 충실한 책도 아닙니다.책의 내용도 빈약합니다.하지만, 저는 만족합니다.다음에도 닌자거북이의 다른 버전이 나온다면 또 구매하고 싶어요.The fans who like a ninja turtle.A book that contains the figures so I ordered.There were tiny figures.It s too small but very cute ^^I guess it was not going to buy this book is harder than the figures.Well, that part of the book is rather like will be negative.Figures are too small disappointment should not buy the book for people to do it.Not a substantial book that so.Book s contents poor condition.But, I am satisfied.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles different versions of If yes, I also want to buy next time.
An engaging storybook and toy in one activity kit! My Busy Books offer full-page illustrations, a story, 12 figurines, and a playmat that bring the characters to life and ignite your child s imagination. 3 years and up.